

Our multiple methods of collecting information have exposed to a variety of projects with a wide range of objectives. Here are some examples of our services that apply different quantitative methods.

Understanding the needs of hospitals in providing clinical nutrition.

Understanding the needs of hospitals in providing clinical nutrition. Method: F2F (Semi-structured Interview)
Sample Size: n=20
Length of Interview: 45 Minutes
Target Respondents: Dieticians and Pharmacists
The 45-minute semi-structured interview was conducted at the workplace (i.e. hospital) of the target respondents to ensure that they are comfortable and expressive about the topic.

In-store television advertisements recall research.

In-store television advertisements recall research. Method: F2F (In-store Interview)
Sample Size: n=400
Length of Interview: 15 Minutes
Target Respondents: Have seen the advertisement in the past 2 weeks.
Interviewers were placed at strategic points of the store to refrain the target respondents from looking directly at the advertisement while the interview was carried out.

Obtaining feedback from Orthopaedic surgeons on a medicinal product.

Obtaining feedback from Orthopaedic surgeons on a medicinal product. Method: F2F
Sample Size: n=10
Length of Interview: 35 Minutes
Target Respondents: At least 3 years in practice as Orthopaedic Surgeon and also using the product. (From listing)
This project was also done in China and South Korea.

Obtaining feedback from consumers who regularly purchase the type of coffee.

Obtaining feedback from consumers who regularly purchase the type of coffee. Method: Telephone Interview @ client’s premises
Sample Size: n=600
Length of Interview: 5 Minutes
Target Respondents: Regular purchasers of the type of coffee.